News and Events

Daisyroots ‘Bookcycle’ - We Need Your Books!
Did you know that Daisyroots Book Shop has taken the pledge to be a Green and Sustainable Bookseller. Integral to our pledge is our ‘BookCycle’ scheme. It’s a great way for you to recycle your unwanted or second-hand fiction and get a credit (not...
Is this the first second hand book shop in Cumbria..or even the UK?
Here at Daisyroots we love looking through old books that focus on our local area.  One that has recently come is ‘Fenty’s Album' by Irvine Hunt.  It's a gorgeous illustrated account of old Bowness and Windermere in the late Victorian and Edwardian...
Books, books and records!
We are really pleased to let people know that we have now updated our fiction department with lots of new books.  Elaine has been busy restocking the shelves this week, so if you have a favourite author then please do come and visit us.  You...
'Season's Readings' 2023
 Season's Readings!